Saturday, October 16, 2010

Dover in the fall

What a awesome day for a ride, we had 8 bikes leave from Listowel including Marg from the 027 and another sometimes visitor from Stratford, Julie a friend of the Schmidt's.  You can be sure the laughs will be plentiful with Julie, (Once she gets over her shyness) .

Big Mur lead our happy little group along some unfamiliar roads to New Dundee for a coffee break. While at the New Dundee Diner ( another spot that looks great) we met Barry (Elderberry) from the 001 who was convinced to go home and get his bike and come for a ride to Dover.

When we arrived in Dover we found Madison's on just about ever corner and of course Pickle too.   

The group of just about 30 dined at Callahan's on the beach and had a great meal.

A little shopping and some more new roads back to Tavistock for Timmies and goodbyes were we all headed for home.

I commented today to some of the folks, what a great thing the CMC has going with our riding protocols, It was great to have members from other chapters join us today and everyone rode the same way, same hand signals, everything without question or discussion, What a great way to travel , thanks everyone for joining us today, we had a blast.

Dennis Kaufman
1st Officer

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Mulmur Hills and surrounding area

Well for fear of getting a noisy muffler ticket in Caledon, our little group of 13 bikes decided to hit the Mulmur Highlands and River Road in and around Terra Cotta today.

We had a nice ride across Grey county, which I believe is named that because it looked like rain all the way to Dundalk. At Dundalk the skies turned blue and the sun shone for a great day of riding. We managed to get most of our requirements in for a 073 complete ride with the exception of a U turn even though it was close because of Dudley's flawed directions.

Thru the Mulmur Highlands to Lisle, back around the block to River Road into Horning Mills grabbed some gas then did River Road again in opposite direction, down to Mansfield across Cty 17 with a lunch stop at Primrose for Super Burgers.

Back up to 17 to start heading west, ended up in Grand Valley, the holy city of Damascus, to Kenilworth and looped back to Harriston for coffee, great day.

Big thanks to Kiwi and Dudley for joining our group for some of the ride and lunch, it was awesome to see you both again.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Pumpkinfest Ride

Another terrific day today, at least by my account. We had 11 bikes and 12 folks join us for a revised ride to Pumpkin Fest in Port Elgin. We took a route less travelled from Clifford to Port Elgin with some very nice roads and sights along the way.

I would think the number of vehicles at the car show was down a little from previous years, however this is the first time I have ever attended on Sunday also. Several members bought a few trinkets and I got something I have been looking for awhile now. Voodoo Barbie is well on its way.
We took a different route back south and had a awesome full course turkey dinner at Sandy's in Mildmay before everyone headed for home. Special thanks to Wing Nut & Ice for joining us today, hope you make it home safe and warm.

Hopefully we will be able to get to the Meaford area next weekend for our traditional Yak Thanksgiving lunch.