Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Weekend Romp - Midland Area Sept 4-6/10

Wow what a awesome weekend, thanks to Mamma Sue for arranging this event. We set the tone of the weekend by leaving Saturday morning in the drizzle and travelled to Midland with a few stops along the way. A total of 9 bikes and 13 folks joined us, with 3 chapters represented by George (Pumpkin) & Cindy of the 028, Guinness & Barb of the 001, Wayne, Sus, Stu, Ted, Sue, GRace, Andy, Sherry & myself from the 073.

Despite the cloudy conditions we made the run , checked into our rooms and hunkered down for a brainstorming session, had a break for a great meal at the Arches and then more brainstorming and global problem solving.
Sunday we travelled to the Big Chute where we met up with Dusty Boots and his friend from the USA, several dozen Chinese tourists who thought they discovered "Santa Crause" (Stu Lamont) and took a couple hundred picture of Stu with his trusty Suzuki. While at big Chute we met up with some of the 071 Coburg gang and again over at Bala during our tour there. Sunday evening a great meal at Henry's South where we met a table full of Huron 075 members.

We had the privilege of also enjoying the company of 3 of the 006 members who dropped around for Pigstock tickets to our motel. The Sunday evening session was devoted to ironing out Stu & Irish's new business venture. Also new "Keywords" were discovered that would activate Barbie's enthusiastic vocal talents.

The fun continued Monday morning when it was time to head home as we traveled back thru some great less travelled roads south of Midland , Wasaga, Collingwood, Beaver Valley and Grey county. After a break back in Hanover at the Blackburns we sadly departed but with thoughts of only 4 more days until we can get together again.

What a superb group we have, you guys all make the CMC fun and what it is intended to be, Thanks a bunch

1 comment:

  1. Mamma Sue, I really like the idea of a blog. Hopefully everybody will take advantage of this.
    To all the newer members, if you missed the weekend romp, which unfortunately, I did, holidays got in the way, it sounded like a terrific time. Pigstock will be a hoot. 073 loves to have parties. Any excuse will do. heidY
